Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Class Of Third Grade Children - 1472 Words

CHILD FACTORS Goal Perception For my class of third grade children I believe that their ability of goal perception and acceptance will vary greatly. For the eight students who are relatively free of learning disabilities and behavioral problems will be able to self-perceive and understand the goals at hand. They will not only be able to comprehend the goals, but they will most likely Bye-Into the goal resulting in him/her putting in maximum effort and energy to achieve the goal him/herself. These students will keep power demand generally low. As for the remaining twenty students who have a variety of learning and behavioral problems, understanding and accepting the goals as their own will prove to be much more difficult. These†¦show more content†¦This negative attribution bias will increase power demands for myself from day one. Sense of Autonomy and Autonomy Regulation I can predict a variety of levels in respect to a Sense of Autonomy and Autonomy Regulation for my students. For the eight children with the potential of being compliant and well-behaved in my classroom are more likely to have a healthy sense of autonomy and accept the power sharing needed to accomplish the goal. We will also have the ideal relationship for mutual regulation, with little effort. For the majority of the children, they will have a less sense of healthy autonomy. These children will connive for equal power shared between him/her and myself. Time will be wasted here and more effort will be needed to achieve a â€Å"zero-sum† game. Lastly, the group of children with behavioral issues will most likely have an unhealthy sense of autonomy and I will fail to accomplish my goals with them. I can estimate that power demands will be high for this group of children in respect to a sense of autonomy and autonomy regulation. Self-Regulation and Conscience The age of the children in my third grade classroom varies from young eight year olds to upper ten year old children. Based off of their ages I can estimate that the older ones will have a more developmentally advanced form of self-regulation. My older students will have the ability to regulate their fine and

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